Show Times
Timezone: EET [UTC+2]Mon: |
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About the Show
Noaptea, fix dupa Best of alternative, intra in functiune Dj Rockstar, un fel de Dj Shuffle surpinzator de fiecare data. Rock de toate felurile, noaptea pentru somnambuli de la 4 la 8 dimineata. Least Recently played song.
DJ Rockstar de Noapte
Pentru somnambuliavatarImage by Hilary Clark from Pixabay featured Imagine de Igor Link de la Pixabay
BS: Photo by Kareya Saleh on Unsplash
Imagine de Khusen Rustamov de la Pixabay
Imagine de Hilary Clark de la Pixabay
Photo by Alfonso Scarpa on Unsplash
Photo by Kristopher Roller on Unsplash